Power wash away safety hazards around your home
Power wash away safety hazards around your home
A lot of safety hazards can be eliminated with our professional power washing services.
Slippery driveways and walkways
Concrete surfaces with organic growth can get very slippery during rainy seasons. It’s a good idea to clean all the flat concrete surfaces before and after each rain season. We also provide premium concrete cleaning service with a deep sterilization step, which will keep the concrete surface from organic infestation for up to five times longer.
Wood steps become slippery very quickly even with a professional cleaning. We recommend installing anti-slippery strips such as these https://www.homedepot.ca/product/gripstrip-2-inch-x-32-inch-anti-slip-strip/1000787365
If you have this product when we clean your home, we will install it for you for free.
Mold and mildew
Mold and mildew naturally grow around your house. Some grow deep into the wood grain, and not easy to notice with naked eyes. Our soft wash solution is able to effectively clean all mold and mildew and completely sterilize your home. If your house has cedar sidings and/or soffits, a full exterior cleaning is recommended every 2 to 5 years. For cedar roofs, one roof treatment (with sodium percarbonate) every 5 to 10 years is also strongly recommended to reach a maximum roof longevity and a mold-free living environment.
Clogged gutters
If clogged, your gutters might be holding over 1,000 pounds of water. It is a lot of weight for your home, and it is also a safety hazard. Overflown water can also slowly rot the wood around your house and cause very costly water damages.